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Ralph Lauren Watches & Jewelry

The most recently established of the Group's activities, the Watches & Jewelry sector brings together leading Houses with complementary positions. Counted among the most dynamic brands on the market, the Houses in the Watches & Jewelry sector of LVMH operate in two segments: high-quality watchmaking on the one hand and jewelry and high jewelry on the other. A quest for excellence, creativity and innovation guide the Houses in this area every day.
Established in 2006, the eVolo Skyscraper Competition has become the world's most prestigious award for high-rise architecture. The contest recognizes outstanding ideas that redefine skyscraper design through the implementation of new technologies, materials, programs, aesthetics, and spatial organizations.

Tendering from Ellendale

With more and more couples opting for anniversary rings as their first choice of gift, this token of eternal love and gratitude has started symbolizing relationships in more ways than one. For instance, eternity anniversary rings are unique in themselves and showcase long-lasting marriages that are meant to last forever. You may like to buy an eternity diamond ring that has a band encircled by diamonds with no beginning, or end – just as your love story.

Engagement Rings for Bride

June is the most popular month to tie the knot, and those looking to plan their fairy-tale wedding next year need to start with the right ring—right now. Of course, not every girl is the same, so we gathered a selection of the best pieces to suit the style of every soon-to-be-bride. Fans of Downton

Diamonds are Expensive?

Diamonds are the hardest material found on earth. Other than that, they hold no unique distinctions. All gem grade materials are rare, composing just a tiny fraction of the earth. However, among gems, diamonds are actually the most common.