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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


Diamonds are Forever

Every Special Occasion

Diamonds make a fashion statement beyond “I’m engaged.” Discover diamond jewelry trends and styles that can drive your next fine jewelry purchase. Fine fashionable diamond jewelry is a wonderful choice, and diamonds come in a variety of shapes, sizes, cuts and colors. But because diamonds are so often associated with the romance and symbolism of lives joined together forever, it can be hard to break free of the idea that diamonds are anything other than marriage gifts. The diamonds that we cut and polish in our own state-of-the-art workshops ensure that we honor the places and people that provide us with such astonishing beauty.

Diamond professionals use the grading system developed by GIA in the 1950s, which established the use of four important factors to describe and classify diamonds: Clarity, Color, Cut, and Carat Weight. Diamonds can be fashioned into a variety of shapes and still be beautiful. These are known as the 4Cs.

Diamond Meaning. Unsurprisingly, the april birthstone, diamond, symbolizes affection, strength, eternity and of course- everlasting love. For those lucky to be born in the month of April, the Diamond is undoubtedly the most radiant and desired gemstone.

Within a jewellery context, the word Solitaire is used to describe a single diamond or gemstone set into piece of jewellery. We apply the generic word to any item of jewellery holding a single stone—a solitaire diamond ring displays a single diamond.


  • Jewelry
  • Fashion
  • Wedding
  • Charms
  • Antique