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New Year's Eve Gift

This one. Or that one? With so many sophisticated options, choosing more than one is often the only course. After all, love has many layers—and so does a modern stack. The holiday season always presents a great excuse to sparkle — the December holidays are about bringing light to the darkest month of the year, after all. On New Year’s Eve, choose jewelry that will catch the light and make you stand out in the room even if you’re in a dim restaurant or bar.

Diamond-covered or crystal-encrusted pendants or long, layered diamond station necklaces of different lengths will dazzle as they catch the lamp or candlelight. If you’re wearing dark colors, choose white gold or silver for shimmering contrast. The last night of the year is special — you’ll want to put extra thought into jewelry that greets the New Year with gusto and style. Just go bold with shoulder-kissing chandelier earrings, oversized cocktail rings or show-stopping color gemstone pendants. Creating texture with jewelry is a fantastic way to stand out, even if you show up in a subdued outfit yourself. Hammered white gold cuffs, mesh yellow gold bracelets or other textured metal jewelry will add glamorous glimmer to the evening. What better way to symbolize the feeling than with stars? They’re fun, magical and famously symbolic. Above all, wearing them will  make you feel like a celebrity, if just for one night. Choose a shimmering star pendant or charm or statement-making color gemstone star rings or bracelets.

Just when you think you know somebody, they spring something new on you. The ones we love are full of surprises—so it makes sense that their Blue Box is, too.

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