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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!



The brief history of our establishment

The Contemporary & Timeless Jewelry

Let’s be real: shopping for jewelry can be a chore, in the worst sense of the word. Driving from store to store, forgetting measurements, walking past so many counters that they all start to look the same. Sound familiar? We had been interested in art since the age of five, drawing and sketching whenever we would get the chance. As we got mature, we resolved to fulfill our desire to become the world's best artist. Upon admission into the illustrious academy, we excelled in the field of oil canvas painting. We prepared our own canvases, mixed our own paint, and churned out impactful pieces of art. Eventually, we introduced online retail jewelry company. Choosing an engagement ring doesn't have to be complicated. Diamonds can be simple to understand. Making the right choice can be easy, whether you're in search of something classic, contemporary, or completely eclectic, Wonder Club is your source of beautifully designed jewelry for every occasions.

Charming Jewelry

The most impressive work caught the eyes of peers, and artists alike. Looking for greater opportunities for growth and recognition overseas, we decided to move to the United States from KL. We started out doing minor work for small jewelry shops in Los Angeles, California. Once we mastered the ropes, we began carving our own works of art that expressed our personal style and flair. We courageously decided to start our own jewelry brand called Charmy Inspirations. The later stage, we established the company name Wonder Club Inc. In order to succeed in the very competitive sterling silver gothic jewelry industry, we continuously strive to be the authority on what we call "Art of Charms". Much of our work consists of intricately crafted charms in various themes and designs. However, our most popular and valued pieces are recent models in sterling silver jewelry. Our own favorite line of jewelry called Dreams In Asia (DIA) reflects the heart and soul of Asian culture. Our jewelry is about a joy for life and a timeless beauty. Our masterpieces of precious jewelry have defined style and celebrated the world’s great love stories of different couples and celebs.

The Expanding Network

We've built partnerships with some of the most renowned jewelry designers, companies, jewelry centers and manufacturers of our time, creating impressive pieces for luxury brand name jewelry designers. We have drawn wisdom from each mistake, gained experienced from every accomplishment, and mustered these tools of knowledge as a part of our creative arsenal. Apart from our multi-dimensional imagination, our inspirations have turned into masterful pieces. Our jewelry has a large following of fans which include a number of celebrities, such as Sylvester Stallone. Thriving on quality, durability, and customer satisfaction, our inspirations seek to create unique sterling silver jewelry for fans throughout the globe. Based in NY, our inspiration is the prime leader in quality artistic fashion jewelry because each piece is tastefully handcrafted without CG machines. Encompassing cultural and artistic modern-day themes, our inspirations presents a line of masterfully crafted sterling silver jewelry unlike any other. We observe the nature and finally find verve. We put pride in ourselves on excellent customer service on the web.

The Masterpiece of Work

The life of all our work begins with simple sketches in our prized notepad. We sketch in the family room instead of the office. We get more of a sense of self and feel more comfortable being in our home doing what we love, away from the office under the pressure of time. When we review our sketches and see something with great potential, we re-draw it and make special touches to it. Once the sketch is finally finished and looks ready, we begin to carve it on wax with special tools. The carving can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. After it has been carved, we put our personal logo on each final product. It is then cast with gold, silver, or both on some models. Then, we polish each item individually so that photos can be taken and added to the inventory. All of our chains that come with our jewelry are also handmade, whether they are leather wrapped or silver. Each neck chain is put together, one piece at a time, under our careful watch. We take pride in our hand made jewelry, and wish to serve you with the most delicate and prestigious quality you can imagine. A few extra hours on our part, is worth a smile on your face.